Corporate Solutions

From the Boardroom to the Training Center

Large and small enterprises incorporate audio video technology into their business operations on a daily basis. Visionality can design solutions to meet their needs, whether it be videoconferencing, training facilities, digital signage, building control technology, corporate presentation and briefing centers, noise masking and more.


Videoconferencing is an important tool for collaborating with co-workers and business partners, and reaching out to customers. It brings people together in a way that a phone call does not, and also provides cost savings to organizations, allowing them to avoid travel costs, while still making a connection.

Visionality can design a customized videoconferencing solution, whether an organization needs to connect a few people in different parts of city or the state, or a global network of people across the world. From small huddle spaces used for team collaboration to large conference rooms for board meetings, we can create the space and incorporate interactive technology so you can share, edit, and save information with everyone in the meeting and record and stream.

We can also implement cloud videoconferencing solutions and help you with the technology you need to allow for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) conferencing.

Training Facilities

Virtual training is becoming increasingly popular as a way to reach a larger audience and save money on travel costs. Visionality can design training facilities with all of the features needed to ensure an optimal experience, from monitors to interactive white boards, document cameras and more.

Digital Signage and Wayfinding

Visionality can design digital signage solutions for organizations, such as signage in cafeterias or breakrooms to inform and entertain, in office suites to project messages about the corporation or in conference centers to denote what events are held in a particular room. Digital signage can also be used for emergency notifications and warnings, and building directory kiosks. Take this quick 10 question digital signage assessment to help you determine what kind of solution would work best for your organization.

Building Control Technology

Whether organizations are striving for LEED certification or are just trying to manage lighting, heating, cooling, and other systems to reduce costs and become more “green”, Visionality can design a building integration technology plan. Building Integration Technology allows a building to be smart enough to only heat and cool a room directly prior to and during a meeting, and to turn off lights and audiovisual equipment when the room is not in use. It can even be programmed to pull shades automatically in the summer to keep rooms cool.

Corporate Presentation and Briefing Centers

Audio video technology can help you make a big impact on major clients. Visionality is experienced in making high-end audiovisual systems work for you, so that you can impress your clients and make the sale.

From the time a customer walks in, and is greeted with a stunning video wall that expresses your corporate indentity, to the meeting environment where you will make your pitch, Visionality will make sure that the technology you use works and wows your client by telling your organization’s story in a compelling way.

Sound Masking

Visionality can assist with the implementation of sound masking technology in your organization, whether it is used to increase speech privacy and reduce distractions in a cubicle environment, or to protect privacy in an environment where confidential legal, financial, or other personal information is being discussed.