
Audio video technology brings art, science and history to life

Museums today must increasingly seek to make history, science and art come alive through digital displays, interactive stations, and audiovisual effects. A generation raised with iPads, iPhones, and other electronic devices seeks that same experience when they visit a museum. They want to interact, play games, and have access to information at the touch of a screen. They want to be immersed in special effects that make them feel like they are in mission control or that they have stepped back in time.

Visionality can help you to create an environment that will bring people in and keep them coming back, from audio systems designed to create special effects, to controls, interactive touch screens, high definition monitors, and digital signage used to display information such as show times and ticket prices. We can also design classrooms and education centers to enhance mission and outreach efforts, and incorporate distance learning to reach other communities and classrooms who might not be able to travel to see the exhibits, increasing the number of students and lives your institution can touch.